Lead Pastor Packet
Thank you for your interest and prayerful consideration of the Lead Pastor position at Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian Church (CMPC).
Our next pastor will reflect our Bible-believing, gospel-centered and loving church through preaching doctrinally sound sermons and exhibiting strong leadership skills as he values and invests in the development of our staff, officers and ministry leaders. This candidate will be ordained or ordainable in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) and will meet all the requirements in I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, as well as those in the PCA Book of Church Order. He will be growing in Christlikeness, exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit, and possessing a passionate love of Jesus.
Please review the Lead Pastor Packet (LPP) for additional information about our story and what the Lord is doing among the people of CMPC, our community, the profile for our next Lead Pastor, and application requirements.
May the Lord grant you wisdom as you seek His face in this discernment process. We look forward to hearing your story and sharing about life and ministry at CMPC and in our community.