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Sunday School

All of our classes are such that a newcomer may attend without feeling completely lost in the content.
If you have any questions related to Sunday School, please contact Ben Phillips, Pastor of Ministries online or at (770) 967-3440.

Children's Classes

2’s & 3’s  Lynn Zeller Room 216
Pre K & K : Ken & Pat Robbins Room 215
1st & 2nd grade:  Sarah Gossage Room 204
3rd & 4th grade:  Steve Saville, Kim Burdette Room 213
5th grade:  Michele Decker and Rachel McVey Room 210

Youth Classes

Middle School Girls: God's Promises; Judges-1st Kings, Becky Batusic and Linda Hutchinson A116
Middle School Boys: Romans to Revelation, Bruce Burch, Jason Wallis and Will McVey A109
High School Students: Habakkuk, Travis Brown and Sarah Tilley Youth Room

Adult Classes

Young Adult Class: James taught by Andy Jobson in A112
New Member Class: taught by Pastor Ben Phillips in A103
Ladies Class: Acts taught by Claudia Rollo in the Parlor
Harvest Class: Inductive Bible Study taught by Steven Clark and Bryan Cox in the Gathering Room downstairs
Westminster Shorter Catechism: taught by Dr. John Gerstner. Robust discussions lead by Doug Ostien and Ted Hinds in  A107
An Exposition of 1 and 2 Peter: taught by Larry Piedt in A114
The Life Of Peter: with Derek Thomas, a 19-week session led by Benny Hurley A110
2 Samuel: taught by Bob Bradbury, Tom Day, John King and Glen Huff, in the Fellowship Hall
Jeremiah: taught by Dave Martin, David Stockamp, & John Rollo, meeting along the walking track, in the CLC
So What About Us?: A discussion of the Sunday morning sermon facilitated by Marty Moore, A104

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