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Equipping God’s People

Jan 9, 2022    John Batusic

The Certainty of Truth: God has Spoken (2.1)
• Reality: God has spoken and communicated His Word
• Basic conviction: this is the very Word of God
o Changes how we look at this book
• A firm foundation
• God’s Word shapes our view of God, His world and us
o Truth that transforms us (All Scripture is profitable)
• Drives us to discipleship

The Superiority of God and His Truth (2.2a)
• Unpopular proposition: Absolute truth in a Pluralistic world
• The world’s idea: “Climb Every Mountain”
• Reality: God and His truth triumph
• People search for truth; many do not think it exists
• Hope: ultimate triumph of God and His Truth

The Attraction of God’s Truth (2.2b-3)
• Ultimate hunger
• A river flowing up the mountain!
• Great Commission/Great Realization
• Propelled!
• Role models
o We have an attractive gospel
• Desire for sanctification
o God’s Word keeps us God-centered, not human-centered, in our approach to life
o God’s Word must be applied
• God will make sure His word goes out

The Application of God’s Truth (2.4)
• Jesus’ Word is the standard
• We must apply the Word of God to all of life
• God’s Word will triumph
• Human hostility will only be broken by divine intervention

Our Resolution to Walk in God’s Truth (2.5)
• Resolve to live by the light God’s Word gives to us
• God’s Word gives us light
• The Persecuted Church’s struggle

So What About Us?
“We have never truly breathed air nor seen light until we have breathed in the God-inspired Bible and see the world in the Bible’s light.” —Dostoevsky