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This is CMPC: The Logo

Jan 2, 2022    John Batusic

Exalt, Equip, Engage
• Isaiah 40: Good news for an exiled people: God’s promise of restoration
• Isaiah 41: The nations have no answer for a broken world: futility
• Isaiah 42: God’s answer for a broken world

God Speaks About the Servant (42.1-4)
o Behold the Servant of the Lord!
  Delighted in by God: “in whom My soul delights”
  The Spirit
  Trinity in view here: Partnership
o Promise: Justice for the nations
o Methodology/Style
  Steadfastness and Hope

God Speaks to the Servant (42.6-9)
o Credentials
o Cosmic Background
o Call
o Glory
o Something New

God’s Exhortation to Celebrate the Servant (42.10-13)
o The Invitation
o Worship/Missions
o The Zeal and the Victory

So What About Us?
o Carrying out the ministry of Jesus
o Grasping the extent of the ministry of Jesus
o Celebrating and proclaiming the ministry of Jesus: Exalt, Equip, Engage