My Words from God’s Word
I attended a men’s conference a while back, and the speaker challenged us to take a Biblical passage and rewrite it in our own words, trying to keep the passage's intent but making it personal. We were given four options from Scripture, paper, pen, and an hour to reflect and write alone.
I chose Isaiah 62:3, 5 with smatterings of Philippians 4:1 and 1 Peter 2:9. This is how the passage was given to me. “You are a crown of splendor in my hand, a royal diadem (crown) in the hand of your God. As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so I, your God, rejoice over you” …For I love you and long for you, my joy and my crown” … “my special possession.”
My interpretation of the passages after a full hour of contemplation. Here goes!
It is evident that my reinterpretation went way beyond the passage, but it just came out and was cleansing to put the passage into my own words. When the exercise was done, I sensed his presence more than I would by just reading verbatim.
Read a passage of Scripture and put it into your own words. It will help you to grasp a more personal meaning.
This is my suggestion:
I chose Isaiah 62:3, 5 with smatterings of Philippians 4:1 and 1 Peter 2:9. This is how the passage was given to me. “You are a crown of splendor in my hand, a royal diadem (crown) in the hand of your God. As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so I, your God, rejoice over you” …For I love you and long for you, my joy and my crown” … “my special possession.”
My interpretation of the passages after a full hour of contemplation. Here goes!
Hi Paul, (God is speaking to me.)
You are put in a position of honor in my Family. You are not alone. My hand is upon your shoulder. We walk together as beacons of light moving in a dark world that is too preoccupied with itself to care. I care. I rejoice over you, my son. I am your adopted Father, and I love you as much as I love my only Son. You bring joy to me even as we walk through life one step at a time, occasionally taking wrong turns and stepping into stuff. It doesn’t matter. Stepping in stuff is not a reflection of my disappointment in you. Let’s move on…together…in joy…with honor and without guilt.
You are not alone…ever. I will still be here when you remove my hand from your shoulder. When you wander, I follow, watch, and wait for you to ask me to guide you and again put my hand on your shoulder. Turn to me and see that I am smiling at you. Turn to me to know that I have never ever left you alone. Turn to me so we can again walk together, our lights illuminating the path before us. Turn to me, feel my hand on your shoulder, see my light directing your path, and know I am smiling and delighting in being with you.
Let’s find another shoulder where you can place YOUR hand. Let’s shine our light on someone else’s path. When they look at you, smile and let them know you care for them as much as I care for you. May our radiance together show them the path to Glory. – God
You are put in a position of honor in my Family. You are not alone. My hand is upon your shoulder. We walk together as beacons of light moving in a dark world that is too preoccupied with itself to care. I care. I rejoice over you, my son. I am your adopted Father, and I love you as much as I love my only Son. You bring joy to me even as we walk through life one step at a time, occasionally taking wrong turns and stepping into stuff. It doesn’t matter. Stepping in stuff is not a reflection of my disappointment in you. Let’s move on…together…in joy…with honor and without guilt.
You are not alone…ever. I will still be here when you remove my hand from your shoulder. When you wander, I follow, watch, and wait for you to ask me to guide you and again put my hand on your shoulder. Turn to me and see that I am smiling at you. Turn to me to know that I have never ever left you alone. Turn to me so we can again walk together, our lights illuminating the path before us. Turn to me, feel my hand on your shoulder, see my light directing your path, and know I am smiling and delighting in being with you.
Let’s find another shoulder where you can place YOUR hand. Let’s shine our light on someone else’s path. When they look at you, smile and let them know you care for them as much as I care for you. May our radiance together show them the path to Glory. – God
It is evident that my reinterpretation went way beyond the passage, but it just came out and was cleansing to put the passage into my own words. When the exercise was done, I sensed his presence more than I would by just reading verbatim.
Read a passage of Scripture and put it into your own words. It will help you to grasp a more personal meaning.
This is my suggestion:
- Block out an hour of time in a quiet room.
- Pick a passage. (The full armor of God in Ephesians is an example.)
- Pray that the Lord will give you unique insights.
- Start writing/typing. Be honest and personal. No one will read it but you, and remember, the Lord likes it when you apply his words to your life.
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