Tough Questions, Difficult Answers
Why is Christianity so exclusive?
This is a question that many non-believers use to discredit Christianity. I’ve heard it many times. It is a tough question to answer because following Christ IS EXCLUSIVE, but it is not exclusive to how the world thinks. Briefly, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do; you can be a follower of Christ. EXAMPLES: man or woman, rich or poor, renter or property owner, Swedish or Eskimo, accountant or used car salesman, alcoholic or tea-totaler, convicted criminal or rule follower, Republican or Democrat, white or brown, junior high dropout or Jeopardy champion, homeless or homebody, retired or working, mailman or Antman, tap dancer or football player, car owner or tractor driver, dog or cat lover. (I’m not sure about cat lovers.)
Here are some unique conversions in the New Testament.
Here are some unique conversions in the New Testament.
- The Samaritan woman (half-breed gold digger)
- The Ethiopian Eunuch (Treasury secretary for the queen)
- Cornelius (Drill Sargent in the Roman army)
- Zaccheus (Mafia Tax collector)
- Thief on the cross (Terrorist)
- Lydia (Wealthy saleswoman)
- Demon-possessed woman (Crazy person)
- The Disciples (bunch of nobodies)
No other religion in the world comes close to the inclusivity of Christianity. The point is that no one is excluded from salvation. Having said that, Christianity is EXCLUSIVE. The focal point is Christ; if you don’t believe in him, you are excluded by your choice. Then there is the question of lifestyle, and this is where it becomes hairy.
Why do Christians look down on those who are not?
I don’t like the inference, but it is a legitimate question. Is it possible to be exclusive and not look down on those who don’t believe?
The world says we must accept everyone’s lifestyle regardless of how contrary it is to a Biblical moral view. If we don’t, we are prejudiced. However, as Christ's followers, we learn to love everyone, regardless of their ethical standards. That doesn’t mean we should accept habits or lifestyles contrary to the Christian faith. Can we love the sinner and hate the sin? For example, can I love the prostitute without making love to the prostitute? YES! We can care for others, AND we can also reject bad/sinful behavior. Sin IS a value judgment. It does exist because we believe there are absolute moral values. But remember, God’s standard is so high that we are no better than the prostitute. My redemption is humbling and should affect how I look at others and have compassion for them. Pointing fingers is not our responsibility. Jesus said, “Let anyone who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” – John 8:7
Is salvation exclusive? YES! If you don’t believe in Christ as your Messiah, you are excluded. That is harsh, but it is the reality behind the Christian faith. No one can work their way into heaven. No one can barter with God. He doesn’t need your money, good efforts, or your proper lifestyle. He just wants YOU!
The world says we must accept everyone’s lifestyle regardless of how contrary it is to a Biblical moral view. If we don’t, we are prejudiced. However, as Christ's followers, we learn to love everyone, regardless of their ethical standards. That doesn’t mean we should accept habits or lifestyles contrary to the Christian faith. Can we love the sinner and hate the sin? For example, can I love the prostitute without making love to the prostitute? YES! We can care for others, AND we can also reject bad/sinful behavior. Sin IS a value judgment. It does exist because we believe there are absolute moral values. But remember, God’s standard is so high that we are no better than the prostitute. My redemption is humbling and should affect how I look at others and have compassion for them. Pointing fingers is not our responsibility. Jesus said, “Let anyone who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” – John 8:7
Is salvation exclusive? YES! If you don’t believe in Christ as your Messiah, you are excluded. That is harsh, but it is the reality behind the Christian faith. No one can work their way into heaven. No one can barter with God. He doesn’t need your money, good efforts, or your proper lifestyle. He just wants YOU!
Posted in Devotionals
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