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Posts with the category “devotionals”

Wealth and the Kingdom of God
by Paul Veerman on February 18th, 2025
Mark 10 is a sobering text! Jesus uses one of the largest animals in his world and compares it to the tiniest opening, the slit of a needle. It’s an impossible task for a camel, and Jesus drives home this analogy to make a point. “Do you love me more than you love your possessions?”   Read More
Darkness-Light, Evil-Good, Sin-Forgiveness
by Paul Veerman on February 12th, 2025
As the story goes, a college student was challenged by an atheist professor with the question, “If God created everything, did he then create evil? If he created evil, how could he be a good God? If he is not completely good, why should I worship him?”   Read More
Persistent Prayer
by Paul Veerman on February 7th, 2025
When I read Acts 12:5-17, I was amazed that God answered the church's prayers to free Peter from prison. They were praying fervently for Peter’s release but didn’t expect God to do it in the way that he did. They prayed for hours, yet ...  Read More
Living Stones
by Paul Veerman on February 1st, 2025
I’ve never looked at rocks as living organisms. Stones don’t move on their own. They are inanimate objects. You can’t say they were ever dead because they were never alive. For example, pet rocks are not really pets.  Read More
A Simple Faith; A Complicated Life
by Paul Veerman on January 25th, 2025
We must still apply the Gospel to every aspect of our complex lives. We no longer reason like a child. We don’t talk like one, and our responsibilities are hundredfold. Can I bring Christ into my crazy busy life and maintain a childlike innocence? I have to.  Read More
The Rebirth Portal
by Paul Veerman on January 22nd, 2025
The Lord has called me into his presence and looks at me kindly. It seems like I have only been in heaven for a split second, but truthfully, it has been many years in Earth's time. He speaks softly to me and says, “It’s time, Paul. It’s time to greet our newest family member.”  Read More
Tough Questions, Difficult Answers
by Paul Veerman on January 20th, 2025
Why is Christianity so exclusive? This is a question that many non-believers use to discredit Christianity. I’ve heard it many times. It is a tough question to answer because following Christ IS EXCLUSIVE, but it is not exclusive to how the world thinks.   Read More
Bubble Wrapped Life
by Paul Veerman on January 18th, 2025
Do you feel like you live an insulated life in Hall County? I wouldn’t have asked the question if I didn’t feel like I lived in a bubble. It’s like playing bumper ball. I’m insulated from the problems in this world. I read. I process, and I move on.  Read More
My Words from God’s Word
by Paul Veerman on January 17th, 2025
I attended a men’s conference a while back, and the speaker challenged us to take a Biblical passage and rewrite it in our own words, trying to keep the passage's intent but making it personal. We were given four options from Scripture, paper, pen, and an hour to reflect and write alone.  Read More
To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain
by Paul Veerman on December 14th, 2024
For some reason, Philippians 1:21 has been on my mind; "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."I understand what the apostle Paul is saying.  He was a champion for the gospel, and he had every right to say it. Because of his passion and brazen rhetoric, it led to beatings, jail time, mocking crowds, constant threats…and souls coming to Christ. Certainly, I do what I can, but my efforts pale ...  Read More
How Do We Measure Success?
by Paul Veerman on December 14th, 2024
How Do We Measure Success?I’m proud of my successes. I don’t have many in comparison to others at CMPC, but they are worthy achievements. Let me give you one example.  Just after I turned 30 years old, I decided to lose weight. I weighed 230 pounds. Over the next few months, I lost 40 pounds, slimming down to 190. It’s a meaningful achievement, even though some of that weight is back after 40+ yea...  Read More
Dead Grass and Flowerless Plants
by Paul Veerman on December 11th, 2024
Early every winter I notice the trees are like sticks, the grass a light brown, and the plants have no blooms. It’s not attractive, but that’s the nature of changing seasons. Every year vibrant summer colors fade into grays and browns. The grass grows dormant, trees shed their leaves and plants die or go into hibernation.Every week in our church’s morning worship service, we recite Isaiah 40:8 aft...  Read More
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
by Paul Veerman on December 9th, 2024
Revelation 12:11 “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.”  Read More