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Posts with the category “annoucements”

CMPC 150th Anniversary Celebration
by Chad Trotter on August 24th, 2024
On Sunday, November 3, 2024, we will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian Church.  Read More
Church Health Assessment Update
by Rick Holmes on August 2nd, 2024
On September 8, we will have COMBINED Worship Service at 10am in the Covenant Life Center (gym), followed by a church-wide meeting to present the findings from the Church Health Assessment.  Read More
Church Assessment and Pastoral Search Milestones and Timeline
by Chad Trotter on July 31st, 2024
Read more about the current Timeline for the Church Assessment and Pastoral Search, the Envisioning Team, and ways that you can specifically pray.   Read More
August 2024: WNA and Sunday Evening Services Resume
by Chad Trotter on July 31st, 2024
Join us for Wednesday Night Alive and Sunday Evening Worship in August as our regular schedule resumes.  Read More
Reformation Presbyterian Church Update
by Jason Cunningham on July 30th, 2024
Hello CMPC Family – I wanted to give everyone an update on our church planting efforts since our public announcement during the Missions Conference. Many of you have asked about supporting us and I am so grateful for the prayers and encouragement. If you would like to support us financially, please send your gifts through normal CMPC giving channels but designate your gift to “Jefferson Church Plant”.   Read More
Church-wide State of the Youth-ion
by Chad Trotter on July 30th, 2024
Our annual back to school party will be on Wednesday night, July 31, and this year we want to invite students, parents, and the entire church to come hear about all of the exciting things going on in CMPC Youth.  Read More
Why take off on Sunday and Wednesday nights in July?
by Chad Trotter on June 8th, 2024
The month of July is an opportunity for the pastoral and ministry staff to rest and seek renewal from regular ministry life. We want to be able to minister out of rest, not out of weariness.  Read More