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August 2024: WNA and Sunday Evening Services Resume

Sunday Evenings in August:
Mission Journey Reports in the Sanctuary at 6:30
(Note the new date assignments per team)

August 4: Estine Uys in Dominican Republic & Batusic Family in Peru
August 11: BridgeMont Team & Connecticut Team
August 18: Mexico Team
August 25: Bulgaria Team

Wednesday Evenings in August:

August 7, 14, 21, and 28: Wednesday Night Alive resumes; meal at 5:30, classes at 6:30.
WNA Meal
The Wednesday Night Alive Meal is served from 5:30-6:20 in the Fellowship Hall.  

Adult meals: $4.00
Child meals: $2.00
Family max:  $12.00

Payment may be made at pickup.  Please have check or exact change.

Wednesday Night Alive Classes at 6:30pm:

Move Up Wednesday for Children and Youth will be August 7

Children’s Classes:
2’s & 3’s Becky Batusic & Lynn Zeller Room 216
Pre K & K Celia Stockamp, Kathy Kilgore, Claudia Rollo & Susan Wentz Room 215
1st & 2nd Nancy Burkhart Room 204
3rd Charlotte Owens & Jane Pignolet  Room 213
4th & 5th girls Beth Wilson Room 210
4th & 5th boys Steve Saville & Chris Carmosino Room 104
Youth Class: 
The Nicene Creed, taught by Travis Brown & Sarah Tilley Youth Room.

Adult Classes:
College & Career Class taught by Andy Jobson A112
Women's Bible Study: Luke co-led by Sarah Lingerfelt, Beth Wald, and Sarah Beth Gossage A114
The Parables of Jesus taught by Joe King, David Stockamp, David White, and John Batusic in The Gathering Room.
Class for Young Fathers J.I. Packer's Knowing God led by Pastor Ben Phillips  A110
First Place 4 Health led by Beth Lane in the Parlor

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